Monday, August 22, 2011

this and that

So how is everyone?

This has been a long day for me today. My train was 20 minutes late this morning, so I got to work about 20 minutes late. I don't really care though. I'd much rather have the train be late on my way to work instead of late getting home! And I had to work a slightly different schedule today - I went in an hour later and stayed an hour later than usual. I will be doing the same thing tomorrow and possibly Wednesday. We hired a new receptionist and she needs to be trained before we can leave her alone to close the front desk. She seems to pick up on things quickly though, so that's good. And I will be at reception less than I have been, which is a very good thing!

I've crossed 3 things off my to do list for the week, and I will probably cross another one off here shortly, unless I spend more time blogging than I had planned on!

Remember that surprise I bought for someone in a previous post? Well, I will be giving it to that someone soon. I love surprising people! It's such fun!

I'm bad. I'm bribing my 5-year-old niece. I told her I would take her to Build-A-Bear if she let her mom and me pick out her Halloween costume. My sister didn't like the one her daughter picked out. So Niece agreed with my bribe. See - I'm bad! :)

I'm just about done making a rag quilt for my 11-year-old niece. She loves zebra print and I thought it would be fun to make her a quilt out of it. I'll post pictures of it soon. I would've done it tonight, but that takes more effort than I am willing to give right now. I'm also working on an ABC book for a niece using photos of the fam. And I've been working on a mini scrapbook for myself. I'll post pictures of those books sometime as well.

I signed up for another online card class that takes place next month. Should be fun! It's only 2 weeks long though and each day I will learn a different technique in stamping, inking, etc. and I will be creating a canvas with little bits of each technique on it. Go here: in case you feel like seeing what I'm talking about.

Usually I'm already getting a little excited for Christmas by now. Yes, even in August. But this year I really don't want summer to end. We didn't get warm weather until late May, early June this year. I swear there were even a couple days I wore a jacket in June.

Well, I guess that's enough randomness for tonight.