Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Christmas me!

I was bored at work one morning exactly 4 weeks before Christmas, so I wrote this:

'Twas 4 weeks before Christmas,
And all through my work,
The attorneys were all stirring,
One being quite a jerk!

The office has no decorations,
But they will come soon, I hear,
Poinsettias, and garlands,
And a tree, never fear!

The secretaries and staff
Were nestled all snug in their spaces,
While stacks of never-ending filing
Hid all their pretty faces.

When what to their wandering
Eyes should appear
An empty file cart
And nobody near!

More rapid than eagles,
They all flew to the cart,
Cursing and yelling
And tearing it apart!

I sat and watched them fight
With a shocked look on my face,
I couldn't believe what I was seeing...
What horror! What disgrace!

And I heard one exclaim,
As she tumbled out of sight,
"Oh, why didn't I stretch
Before I got into this fight!"

The last line needs a little work, but it made me laugh!

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