Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wedding Dresses

Rent or buy?

That is the question!

Anyone out there have any thoughts on the matter?


tammy said...

Buy. Or rent...

Trina said...

Gee, thanks Tam.

Kristina said...

Hmm. Tricky, but I'd say it depends a lot on the price and weighing what's more important to you. My own wedding dress was only $100 more than one that I wanted to rent, so I bought it. It was worth it to me. Unfortunately, I am incredibly indecisive, so it took my trying on nearly 100 dresses (I'm not kidding) and running all over Salt Lake and Utah Counties trying to find just the right one. When I finally found a store with 3 dresses that I felt strongly enough about to consider seriously I told myself that I had to buy from that location. (I'm a "see everything then narrow down the options" type of shopper.) My mom was relieved, but we still went back to that store 3 times before I actually decided.

The fun part was that for the next 3 or 4 years after I got married, every reception I went to I had tried on the bride's gown. Kinda funny.

Basically, I'm no help. Just get (buy or rent) the dress you like best. Or, if it's not a huge deal to you, just do what's cheapest. Knowing you, you'll look beautiful in whatever you choose.

AnnaMarie said...

gosh kristina you say alot! jsut kidding! and tam.....well thats another story! lol! i think you should rent cuz what are you going to use it for after?

Trisha said...

I know this is an old post but! I rented my dress. It wasn't my dream dress but it's not like you can wear it in the temple much (comfier not to anyway!).

I haven't regretted it- what would I be doing with a dress now anyway? Have it in the closet next to my mink coats? :)