Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday Morning Poetry

Yep. I was bored at work Monday morning, too. But I'm just now getting around to posting it. Actually, I think that is a record for me to have another post so soon. I'm on a roll!

Poem #1

I reached a conclusion
Early this morning at 5
While I was trying
To keep myself alive.
The freezing cold
Was getting to me,
And it brought me to this epiphany:
I don't want to work anymore,
I don't want to quit -
That would be a bore.
And I'm not about to get fired,
But wouldn't it be nice
If I could just be retired!
Just think - It would be so great!
I could stay up
and sleep in late!
I could spend all day
Doing whatever I wanted,
I could even visit
A house most haunted!
I wish I could retire
While I am still young.
Then I wouldn't miss out
On all the fun!
Poem #2
I'm much too old,
To get up so early
And be out in the cold!
But at least I'm warm now,
So I guess I'll stop
Having a cow.
A winter girl, I am not!
But I must admit,
The weekend snow hit the spot.
My nephew and I had a blast,
At least until I got
Too cold to last!
Poem #3
Full of contradictions, that I am.
First I'm young, then I'm old.
And now my tale is all told.
For now. :)
Kind of dorky. But it kept me entertained for a bit. And that made the work day go by faster!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Christmas me!

I was bored at work one morning exactly 4 weeks before Christmas, so I wrote this:

'Twas 4 weeks before Christmas,
And all through my work,
The attorneys were all stirring,
One being quite a jerk!

The office has no decorations,
But they will come soon, I hear,
Poinsettias, and garlands,
And a tree, never fear!

The secretaries and staff
Were nestled all snug in their spaces,
While stacks of never-ending filing
Hid all their pretty faces.

When what to their wandering
Eyes should appear
An empty file cart
And nobody near!

More rapid than eagles,
They all flew to the cart,
Cursing and yelling
And tearing it apart!

I sat and watched them fight
With a shocked look on my face,
I couldn't believe what I was seeing...
What horror! What disgrace!

And I heard one exclaim,
As she tumbled out of sight,
"Oh, why didn't I stretch
Before I got into this fight!"

The last line needs a little work, but it made me laugh!