Sunday, May 24, 2009


Who hates to speak in church?

I do!!

Who has to speak in church next Sunday?

I do.

Who doesn't know the topic she is supposed to speak on?

That's me again!

Yeah, so I was asked today to speak in church next week and he said the bishop would let me know the topic after church. I still don't know. I know it hasn't been that long since church ended, but it has been long enough that I'm starting to feel stressed out about it. I really hate speaking in front of a lot of people. Do you think anyone would mind if I just printed off my talk and handed it out to people as they walked in so they could just read it instead of me speaking? I think that is a fabulous idea. :)

Too bad the bishopric probably wouldn't agree with me.

1 comment:

tammy said...

I think eloping is a good idea.